Races Managed / Timed
Athletes Timed
There is never a delay in getting you the race results. Both of our timing systems feature live results.
Live results are available throughout the race posted on computer kiosks, RTS Facebook page, and the RTS website. They are also available via QR codes either from your race bib or from a kiosk.
RTS Sports is proudly partnered with Chronotrack & Athlinks Timing Systems offering state of the art race timing with instant results. RTS is using the same systems that time the largest marathon in the world – the New York City Marathon with over 50,000 athletes and times over 13 million athletes globally.

We offer two styles of professional race timing (listed below). In most cases, a non refundable deposit is required to book a race. It is imperative that you let us know the date of your race early enough to book our race timing services as our calendar does fill up quickly. Generally, we prioritize our services on a “first come first serve basis.” Loyal clients are one of the few exceptions to this rule.
All races are timed by professional certified race timers. Both styles of RTS’s race timing services include live results posted during the race, finish results provided without delays, an electronic list of finish results provided on site and an electronic copy of finish results provided afterwards to be distributed as you choose.
We offer an inflatable finish line at a minimal additional fee (pictured below), which can be used as a platform for sponsorship banners to be displayed. Your race will be listed on our race calendar with either a link back to your registration page and/or to an attached race flyer. We offer online race registration for any event at no additional cost to you if you use our timing services.

Chronotrack/Athlinks – Enhance the Athlete Journey from Start to Finish.
Featuring the state of the art Chronotrack chip timing system, Chronotrack Live, Athlinks and Run Sign Up! This is the best in the game!
We have partnered with Chronotrack/Athlinks/Run Sign Up Services providing you with a comprehensive suite of race management solutions to create the best possible experience for your athletes—from event exposure and race registration software, to race timing services and results. We’re one company, offering all the tools you need, right at your fingertips and all in one place.
ChronoTrack Live/Athlinks/Run Sign Up Services feature online registration, onsite registration, dynamic race check-in, mobile results, real-time online results, athlete updates, athlete tracking, onsite results, athlete photography and video.

Chronotrack Live is a next generation race platform providing registration race management solutions on a live scoring platform delivering real-time online, mobile and social race experiences. Operating on a single platform eliminating data transfers and errors, Chronotrack Live provides electronic check-in, dynamic bib assignment, and scoring through to result. Chronotrack Live services include real-time online and mobile results, video finishes, digital photography and more.
Chip timing system automatically records start and finish times for each athlete as they cross the start/finish line – doesn’t matter where you start in the pack.
Live results are available throughout the race posted on computer kiosks, RTS Facebook page, and the RTS website. They are also available via QR codes either from your race bib or from a kiosk.
Athletes can even be tracked along the course. Ask us how?
RTS’s race timing and scoring system is an integrated platform for race registration, race timing, and race results electronically timed and scored using professional race timing software.
Each athlete gets the same start time (mass start) with individual finish times as they cross the finish line.
Live results are available throughout the race and featured on computer kiosks.
* Run To Succeed staff will often travel to many of our races we are timing. If your race is considered out of market, we will add a necessary travel fee based on a per mile formula.
If you are interested in Run To Succeed’s event timing, please send us an email at: timing@runtosucceed.com